Meet Diane

Diane Newcomer with husband and children running around her.

Welcome to my corner of the internet.

I'm Diane Newcomer, and I'm thrilled to share my journey with you. Here's a glimpse into who I am and what I'm passionate about:


I live with my husband, who I met overseas. We met at an international school where I taught English to adults. Living in one of the hardest places on earth, completely shifted my worldview and developed my compassion for the hurting. I learned to see beauty and joy in the midst of suffering and sorrow.

I have two sons, one daughter and one baby that we never were able to meet. I love being a mother. My kids fill my days with joy and laughter, along with loud mornings and messes. We unexpectedly found ourselves homeschooling during the pandemic, and it turned out to be a happy surprise that brought us even closer. I love teaching and getting to spend my days with my kids is the perfect way to spend my days in this season.

I talk to my parents every day. I have one younger brother. We were very close until he passed away in 2009. I know he would have been one ornery uncle and miss him every day!


I received my undergrad in Intercultural Studies with an emphasis in Islamic Studies and a Bible minor from North Central University. I discovered my love for teaching English and have my Masters of Arts in Language Teaching from the University of Nebraska Omaha. I studied Children’s Literature and used picture books in the language classroom for my practicum.

What Makes Me, Me

Enneagram 1

I’m an Enneagram 1, a firm believer in fairness and justice. I also like things to be on the perfectionist side. I love mending and fixing broken items. (I have been known to fix things at friends’ houses when I see them.)

Infertility, Miscarriage, and Spiritual Formation

While going through infertility and miscarriage I realized a silence in the church and publishing around these topics. I want to create a safe space where faith and suffering can be explored. Life doesn't always unfold as we expect. I’m learning more and more every day about the nature of God and suffering. I hope to honestly and genuinely explore what it means to follow Jesus through suffering.


Art is an outlet I’ve pursued since grade school. I work in watercolor and mostly digital art. Baking is one of my favorite things especially when I use my scale for exact measurements. Broadway musicals can be heard at our house with Hamilton being my favorite.

Natural Living

I’m more natural-minded than almost all of my friends, but less than others when I’ve dipped my toes into that community.

I wear natural deodorant but don’t make my own toothpaste.

I take a slew of vitamins and go to a chiropractor, but use progesterone and Letrozole prescribed by my doctor.

I cook with cast iron but use my microwave daily.

I hope to share what I’ve tried and how I’ve changed my lifestyle. Some things have worked and others just made me giggle.

My Infertility and Miscarriage Story

In 2010 my husband and I were married and not ready to start a family. After a year, we decided it was time to start trying for a family. Months turned into years. We went to doctors but didn’t feel comfortable pursuing IVF. Instead, we learned about natural family planning and the Creighton Method (Which, I fully endorse!) Charting became a part of our daily life.

My mom heard Elizabeth Hasselback on TV, that going gluten-free could help with infertility and pushed me to try becoming gluten-free. I immediately lost 10 pounds and all of my puffy face went away after saying goodbye to gluten. I went to a chiropractor and tried vitamins. We put up blackout curtains because it was supposed to help with cycle rhythms. My sweet husband thought I was crazy with the blackout curtains, but went along with it. We prayed and tried everything we could think of.

Our Miracle:

When some of our dear friends returned home from overseas, they asked if anyone had prayed over us. In their living room, they gathered around us and prayed for a miracle that we would have a baby. The very next month that miracle came true. I was pregnant and in February 2015 our son John was born.

Repeated Waiting:

After John, we figured it would not be a straightforward path to get pregnant so we didn’t avoid getting pregnant.

Again, nothing month after month.

Prayers for a Brother:

John at two years old really wanted a baby in our family. I explained to him that Mom and Dad wanted a baby just as much, but it wasn’t easy. John and I sat on the kitchen floor and prayed that God would give our family a baby. Shortly after that prayer, I was pregnant. In April 2019, we joyfully welcomed Wyatt into our family.

The Road Ahead:

Despite having two wonderful sons we didn’t feel like our family was complete. In March of 2021 to our great surprise, we found out we were pregnant. This time the pregnancy took a heartbreaking turn. Everything was going well until it was not. After 2 short months of being pregnant, we lost our baby.

I’ve done medicated cycles, taken vitamins, and prayed month after month hoping will welcome another member to our family.


In November of 2023, I had surgery to discover if I had endometriosis. Sure enough, I did, but thankfully not enough to need two surgeries. We were put on antibiotics and told not to attempt pregnancy while on antibiotics. In early 2024 Wyatt asked me if there was a baby in my belly, seemingly out of nowhere. That day I took a test and discovered at 3 weeks pregnant we were expecting. I immediately met with my doctor and started progesterone. The first trimester was full of nausea and more morning sickness than both my pregnancies. (Look for future posts about pregnancy after loss, AMA, gestational diabetes, subchronic hematoma, and our NICU stay.) On Oct 15, at 6:47 pm right before the International Wave of Light that honors miscarriage Elizabeth Rose was born. We are thrilled to have another member of the family.

My Heart:

I’ve spent hours thinking, praying, and studying about infertility, miscarriage, the Bible, suffering, and grief.

I hope my story helps you understand you are not alone. Through it all I’ve learned that Jesus never leaves us and grieves with us in our hardest moments.

With Love,


I am not a medical professional in any capacity, but I am an attorney’s daughter so please do not take anything on my site as medical advice.